Ministry Opportunities

Kitchen Ministry

The kitchen ministry provides physical nourishment through serving food at fellowship meals, special breakfasts, midweek connection and other church related food service events.

Facilities  Ministry

The Facilities Ministry seeks to keep the  interior and exterior spaces at SCBC clean and functional for our church services and gatherings as we aspire to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us.

Children's Ministry

 The SCBC kids team strives to teach and model the gospel to our young people.


Rovers at SCBC are men with a heart to serve and an awareness of safety matters. They keep an eye on the property during services, lock doors,  monitor activity, and call emergency services when necessary.



Audio / Video Team

Parking team members work in rain, snow, and sun to pack as many vehicles as possible into our limited space. Even more importantly, they provide a first contact for visitors and provide important welcome, direction, and information to visitors.
Greeters at SCBC arrive early and strive to know their church family. They enthusiasticaly greet people as they arrive and note visitors and provide them with a warm welcome, a visitors card, and appropriate directions.
The audio / video team members serve the church body by making sure things can be seen and heard without distractions from the various elements of the service.  We don't want audio or video elements to take center stage or  problems to become the focus in a service. This includes live sound in the service, projection, video cameras, livestream production, simulcast production, recording, and more.