Leadership Team

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Mark 10:45

Duane Smith

Elder of Preaching and Vision

Bio: Duane is a native of Sussex County.  His life was transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ in 1990, while a senior in high school. He is married to Jennifer, his wife of 30 years, and together they have 2 adult daughters, and one granddaughter.   He is a graduate of Clarks Summit University (formerly Baptist Bible - '94, ’01). Following his education he completed a 2 year pastoral internship at his home church.  In 2004, he and a small team planted Sussex County Bible Church.  Duane loves the Lord and His people  and has a passion to share the truth of God’s Word.  In addition to serving at SCBC Duane also serves on the board of Servant Leaders International, and Legacy Academy of Delaware.
Influential book(s) besides the Bible: Preaching and Preachers by Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones, The Soul Winner by Charles Spurgeon, The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer,  Apologetics: A Justification of Christian Belief  by John Frame, and 9 Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever.
Hobbies: Reading, spending time at the beach with family, and traveling

Josh Marlowe

Elder of Discipleship and Administration

Bio: Josh has lived in Sussex County since 2003 and has been on staff at SCBC since the Spring of 2011.  Josh surrendered to Christ in faith as a child and through his high school experience developed a desire to serve the Lord in full-time vocational ministry.  Josh completed his seminary training in 2008, graduating from Calvary Baptist Theological seminary with a M.Div. degree.  Josh loves working at Sussex County Bible Church and appreciates the relationship between the elders that encourages godly living and spiritual growth. He oversees the Growth Groups ministry, serves in many administrative roles, counsels, and is involved with leadership training.  Josh married his seminary sweetheart, Bethanne in 2004.  They have two daughters, Meranda and Lydia. Josh has lived abroad for just under a decade of his life and enjoys traveling and experiencing different cultures. He has not yet visited the continent of Antarctica.
Influential book(s) besides the Bible: The Deliberate Church by Mark Dever, Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper,  The Trellis and the Vine by Collin Marshall and Tony Payne.
Hobbies: Josh enjoys spending time with his family at the beach, in a kayak, sailing, windsurfing, or throwing a frisbee. He also enjoys fine chocolate, roasting his own coffee, flying, tinkering, and woodworking when he gets the chance.

Orval Foraker

Elder of Membership

Bio: Orval is a native Delawarean and became a Christian later in life.  He is married to Margie, and they have three sons, Chris(38), Jon(36) and Andrew (30). They are the grandparents of 3 granddaughters and 1 grandson. Orval spent all of his professional career in Education. Orval received an undegraduate and graduate degree from the University of Delaware. Since moving to Sussex County in 2018, he has attended SCBC. In his previous church Orval served as a Deacon, a Sunday school teacher and as a member of the Praise Team. Margie and Orval currently team with members of SCBC to share the gospel with children at Love Creek Elementary School. Orval is the Board President for Delaware Child Evangelism Fellowship. This organization oversees all of the Good News Clubs throughout the State of Delaware. Orval is currently serving as the New Membership Coordinator. He enjoys getting to know prospective members during the classes and interview and is actively involved with church planting at Millsboro Bible Church.
Influential book(s) beside the Bible:  Two current books just completed would be Unoffendable by Brant Hansen and The Masculine Mandate by Richard D Phillips. Two recent books would be Biblical Eldership and The Twelve Lessons for Mentoring Elders by Alexander Strauch. The most influential work read outside of the Bible was Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin. Other influential authors would be Paul Tripp for biblical counseling, Tim Keller and Mark Dever’s approach to sharing the Gospel with younger generations than my own, and R.C. Sproul for his ability to to communicate difficult biblical truths. For a devotional, Margie and I read and discuss My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.
Hobbies: Orval enjoys golf, reading, the beach, walking with Margie or a brother in the Lord, watching the wildlife especially the variety of birds, and kayaking. 

Rob Reinert


Bio:  Rob grew up in Salisbury, MD in a Christian home. He became aware of his need for a savior at a youth camp as a teenager. Rob has lived in Sussex county for 12 years and has attended Sussex County Bible Church for 8 years. He and his wife Kate appreciate SCBC’s emphasis on the Word of God and the centrality of the gospel. Rob is a physician assistant at the ICU at Beebe Hospital. He has two children, Quinn and Gabe. Rob and Kate also enjoy hosting foreign exchange students.
Influential book(s) besides the Bible: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, any book written by Tim Keller
Hobbies:  Rob enjoys hunting, fishing, scuba diving, playing volleyball and working on his sawmill.

Larry Carder


Bio:  Coming soon.
Influential book(s) besides the Bible: Coming Soon
Hobbies:  Fixing things, taking naps, and traveling.

Operations Coordinator

Bio: Ruth and her husband Eric have been attending SCBC since 2023, a few years after moving to Long Neck from Easton, MD and became members in 2024.  They have four children, and six grandchildren and have served together in business and various ministries, including the mission field in Brazil. Ruth has 40+ years of experience working in an office environment in both business and church ministry.  
Influential book(s) besides the Bible: When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado; The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren;  studies on specific books of the Bible by various authors
Hobbies: Quilting, gardening, spending time on the beach and watching nature

Ruth Drummer

Janet Saunders

Children's Ministry Co-Director

Bio: Janet moved to Delaware in 2017 with her husband, Bill. Her passion is teaching children about Jesus. She has more than 50 years of experience teaching in both public and private schools, children's ministries, Good News Clubs, and tutoring. Her life verse is Ephesians 2:4-6.
Influential book(s) besides the Bible: New Morning  Mercies by Paul David Tripp; Providence by John Piper; The Assurance of Our Salvation by Martin Lloyd-Jones.
Hobbies: Janet is an avid reader and loves to knit.

Kate Gerrick

Children's Ministry Co-Director

Bio: Kate grew up in Connecticut, where she was blessed to be introduced to the Lord at a young age. She moved to Delaware in 2018 with her husband and two children. Kate finds beauty in simplicity which has fueled her interest in developing and implementing technology to automate and improve processes. She works part-time as a cyber security engineer, has enjoyed serving the ministry of SCBC behind-the-scenes through technology, and has served in SCBC Kids since 2020.
Influential book(s) besides the Bible: Heaven by Randy Alcorn; Finding the Right Hills to Die on: The Case for Theological Triage by Gavin Ortlund
Hobbies: Swimming, gardening and camping.

Biblical Eldership

A biblically qualified team of men that jointly pastors the local church.


The New Testament commands for elders to lead the church with loving pastoral care and discipline, teach and preach the Word, protect the church from false teachers, visit the sick and pray, judge doctrinal issues, and be humble, sacrificial examples of Christian living.


The New Testament commands for deacons to assist the elders with the care of the church, and be humble, sacrificial examples of Christian living.