HABITS OF THE HOUSEHOLD, by Justin Whitmel Earley
“Think of it like this: when it comes to spiritual formation, our households are not simply products of what we teach and say. They are much more products of what we practice and do. And usually there is a significant gap between the two.”
Justin does a great job helping parents recognize this gap and begin to shift our habits to align with our desired priorities.  Our habits are more significant that we often realize. Justin describes the impact of our habits this way: "We become our habits and our kids become us. Which means who our children are becoming is tightly connected to who we are becoming -- personally and communally."
"Consider habits of the household as an effort to unit education and formation. Think about them as ways to align our heads and our hearts so that we don't just know the right thing to do, we also love doing the right thing."
The book is convicting, practical, and helpful. Each chapter ends with a section of practical help and resources that includes: summary of the main idea, practical tips, further resources, and more.
Chapter Breakdown:
Introduction: The significance of habits in our lives and homes
1: Waking
2: Mealtimes
3: Discipline
4: Screentime
5: Family Devotions
6: Marriage
7: Work
8: Play
9: Conversation
10: Bedtime